Basic Setup

Basic Setup

Adding or making changes to the Basic Setup page will, once saved, make changes to the public website.

Features under the Basic Setup Page:

Kiosk Mode:

To access the Kiosk mode for your municipality’s kiosk, simply copy the link and paste it into the web browser of the kiosk. This will enable the kiosk version of the public facing website, which will automatically log users out as soon as they are able to download their permit.

Edit Public Facing Website:

Information that can be changed on the public facing website is:

  1. Title
  2. Logo
  3. About Us
  4. Contact Info
  5. Frequently Asked Questions
  6. Message of the Day
To change any of this information, find the box of what you would like to add or edit, make the change and be sure to hit Save. As soon as you save and refresh the public facing website, the change will be reflected.

IVR Call-In Hours (found under Contact Info):

The IVR Call-In hours is for any municipality that wishes to restrict when residents can call into the phone system in order to register their intent to burn.

All Day = Residents can call into the system any time of day to activate/register their intent to burn.

Custom Range = choose a time range where residents will be forced to call in to activate/register their burn.

  1.     = Start time
  2.     = End time

Default Account Settings:

Default account settings are for any municipality who’s boundaries only encompass one city and one postal/zip code. If you enter any information in here, it will help streamline the application process for the resident by pre-filling these two fields:

            Basic Setup page in Web-Based Control Panel:

            Public Website - Stage 1 of Application Process:

Landlord Approval Terms & Conditions

Staff can edit the terms and conditions that landlords will be agreeing to when they approve their tenants’ requests for burn permits.


As explained in the Browse Permits – Landlord Approval section, these terms and conditions will be view-able to the landlord when they sign and subsequently approve their tenant’s permit. As soon that the approval is registered, either electronically or in person, these terms and conditions along with the landlord’s signature will be view-able along with the tenant’s downloadable permit on the admin side by selecting the permit identifier in the Browse Permits Page. 

Signature for Automatic Approvals:

By digitally signing this section, the signature will show up on the downloadable permits that residents are able to view.

**Make sure when accessing the signature pad, that you are using Google Chrome as your browser

Payment Processor Settings:

If you are charging for permits, we have integrated with two payment processors: 1) PayPal and 2) Square. To establish a connection from your website to your payment processing account see below: 

PayPal Settings:

If you are charging for permits and have a PayPal account setup, the Merchant E-mail and Merchant ID are required. As soon as these are entered into the system, the PayPal window will be initiated once the resident makes it to the Pay Now screen.

Square Settings:

To connect your Square account to your system: 
1. Log into your Admin Portal > Select Settings > Basic Setup > Scroll all the way to the bottom until you find the Square Settings section: 

A) If not logged into your Square account already, on the same computer: Select the 'Connect to Square' button. This will bring up the login section of your Square account. Log into your Municipality's Square account: 

B) If you are logged into Square, on the same computer, You will not have to login. It will jump you right to step 3. 

3. You will be asked to confirm that you would like to use an existing location that have been created within Square (from the dropdown options) or to create a new location:

4. If you select 'Create New Location', our system will auto-generate a Burn Permits location for you where you select 'OK':

 5. Once the location is set, select 'Save'!

6. You will now have the Merchant ID, Location ID and Location Name all filled out in your settings. The final field that must be filled is the Contact Email. 

7. Once the email is added, select 'Save Contact Email'. Confirmation will appear in the top right corner. 

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