Manage Accounts - Overview

Manage Accounts - Overview

  1. Creating Accounts and Permits manually either at the fire department or town office.
  2. Address map – high level view of the those that have accounts/permits within the municipality.
  3. Status of the account holder, staff can deactivate a resident’s account preventing them from logging into the online permit application process.
  4. Quick link to see the burning activity at that particular address.
  5. Edit or add phone numbers to be recognized by the call-in system and automated phone attendant.
  6. Quick snapshot of all the permits listed under one account.
    1. Additionally, can see if they have active permits associated to their account or if they do not, have the ability to send a quick email reminded to renew their permit.
  7. Search bar – search based on resident name or address.
  8. Action Buttons
    1. Action buttons allow you to edit or delete the account.
    2. The Notes button allows you to add/edit/delete notes.

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