Manage Licence Types

Manage Licence Types

In the Manage Licence Types section, you can add and edit Licence types displayed on the public facing website.

Creating Licence Types:

To create a new permit type, select the Create Licence Type button. It will take you to a new window where you can create the new permit type.

  1. Display Name - the name given here will be what is displayed on the public facing website. This can only be added once and no edits can be made once the licence type is saved.
  2. Short Description – if you wish to add a short description of potentially what kinds of activities are permitted under a specific licence type.
  3. Terms and Conditions – In the text box, you can add the licence’s terms and conditions. There is no limit on the amount of text that is entered.
  4. Photo attachment – you can add photos as examples for your residents as to what is expected for zoning documentation, etc.
  5. Max Tags/Account – by moving the slider to the right, you can increase the amount of tags one account/licence can have associated to it. For example, if the municipality prohibits more than 3 pets/licences under a residential licence, you can set the max to three. In this case, if the resident tries to add a fourth pet, it will deny them and tell them to get a kennel licence instead.
  6. Type – select the type of licence you would like displayed on the public website.
  7. Pricing – you can add the pricing of the pet licence here. There is the flexible pricing structure, where you can enter dates. So, if the municipality gives a discounted rate to those you apply for their licence before a certain date it can be arrange here.
  8. “I Agree” Checkboxes – here you can add as many or have as little I agree checkboxes. The purpose is to highlight the key points of the terms and conditions or to provide the resident with the “plain English” version of important terms.

Editing Licence Types:

To edit a licence type, select the Blue Pencil attached to the specific licence type you wish to edit.

Once you select this, it will take you to the licence type with the same fields as described in the Creating Licences Types.

Again, the only thing that cannot be changed in this section is the Licence Display Name.

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