Browse Permits
Quick Access to Permit
Accessing Downloadable Permit To access the downloadable copy of the permit for a specific resident select the Permit Identifier: A new window will open displaying the permit that has been issued to the resident. From that window, you can print or ...
Landlord Approval
Admin ViewLandlord approval may be required for those that rent their residence. If the resident indicates that they rent their home, the system will send an email to the landlord asking for landlord approval. Until the landlord approves the permit ...
Editing Permit Status
To edit the status of a permit, select the status action button on to the left of the Permit Identifier: If the action button is Orange– this will signify that this permit is Pending Approval and that action is required by staff. Once the user ...
Search for Permit/Permit Holder
To search for a specific permit or resident, type either the permit number or the name into the search bar. This will narrow the permit field to the exact permits with that name or number attached to it. Permit Number: Resident Name:
Pending Permits Banner
To quickly access every permit that requires human intervention. Select the wording in the yellow banner: This will automatically filter the permits to only show those that have the Pending Approval status:
Sort Permits by Date/Status
Sorting Permits by Date To sort by date, click on the ‘Date Range’. A drop down will appear where you will be able to sort based on a pre-determined time-frame or you can create your own custom date range. Sorting ...
Browse Permits - Overview
Quick view of permits created Today, This Month, and This Year. Sort permits by date range or based on status. Pending Permits Banner – click to filter all permits to those that require your attention. Search bar – search based on resident or permit ...
Voiding Permits
To Void a permit, select the status action button on to the left of the Permit Identifier: A pop-up will appear where you can select “Void Permit.” Once a signature is provided, the Reason for Voiding will drop down where Staff can select the ...
Action Buttons
Regenerating Permits Staff will want to regenerate permits whenever there has been a change to the status of that permit (as explained in the Editing Permits section above on Pages 4/5). Additionally, if there is ever a time where the downloadable ...